Friday, November 13, 2009

Rotala rotundifolia and Hygrophila polysperma growth...

I did a new scape and planted some Rotala rotundifolia and Hygrophila polysperma. This is my first attempt planting this plant, and I tell you, I'm very impressed with their growth speed.

This plants seems to be doing well so far, in a nano tank (35 x 35 x 25 cm, LWH) at only 1.3 wpg (watt per gallon) of lighting.

Here goes the pics...

Rotala rotundifolia planted on day 1, notice the crooked stems...also this is the emerged form notice the big round leaf

Hygrophilia polysperma planted on day 1, same thing notice the crooked stems...also this is the emerged form

Same bunch of Rotala rotundifolia, taken from the side of the tank, notice the straight growth of the's only Day 3.....very fast, cant wait for the formation of the submerged leaf

Same goes to the Hygrophilia polysperma...straighter stem growth...

...and new leaf starts growing from the tip of the Hygrophila polysperma...

And the rest of the pics can be seen here, just click on the pic above to enlarge

So I guess that's it.....I'll talk more on this tank once the plants starts growing and filling in...

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